What it Takes to Win
The Judgment Creditor’s Manifesto℠
I have been wronged.
The legal system concurs and stands behind me.
But a court judgment is not payment.
I want restitution.
I want my money.
And I will not be deterred.
My judgment is worthless paper until backed by bold, decisive action.
I will not be fooled into complacency.
I will not accept another promise to perform.
I want satisfaction.
The one who did this has failed on their commitments.
They have dodged,
and deceived,
and delayed,
long enough.
Now I will take the fight to their doorstep.
I will find what they hold nearest and dearest to their heart, and they will feel the threat of all being taken away unless they make good on their debt.
I will not fall prey to promises or good intentions. These are the tools of a clever thief, to conceal an escape, hoping I will look the other way.
But I am not a fool.
I will have satisfaction.
I will find and lock arms with the most capable and competent ally who understands the mindset of my adversary.
Someone not fooled by the ways of the cheat, who stands on the side of justice.
One who knows how to bring this debtor to their knees.
One who will make them come to the table and give me what is rightfully mine.
It is time the debtor knows what it is like to feel helpless.
I will no longer be satisfied by words.
Only restitution will suffice.
From this I will not be deterred.
I WILL have satisfaction and nothing will stop me until it is so.
© 2018 Brigham Law Firm